Picture taken during tiffin time. 1968-1969.
Shared by Shah Bari.
picture was taken in 1970. The tin shed is the maktab. If noticed
carefully, it was taken after Jumma prayers. Beggars can be seen and
also there is a white foreigner. In the Maktab someone is distributing
jalebi which was common during those days. Picture taken from my room.
Shared by Shah Bari.
used to call this Boro Matt. A football game is going on and a crowd of
people would enjoy the game. Far away you could see Bawany school as
there was no tall buildings. Armanitola water tank can be seen also.
Indoor basketball game room and the medical center can be seen. We could
not play in the mid field but still enjoyed playing in the sides every
afternoon. Sorry for the quality as it has aged. Picture taken in 1967.
Senior and junior brothers please share.
Shared by Shah Bari.
Shared by Shah Bari
Executive committee of first reunion, 1984.
PC: Shah Bari Bobby, Shared by Galib Mohibul Khan.
Image and story shared by Muhammad Arifur Rahman
Image and story shared by Muhammad Arifur Rahman
Principal Khalilur Rahman Sir
Shared by Bazlur Rahman, 1977.
Batch 1977 Morning shift
Shared by Bazlur Rahman, 1977.
School Hockey championships in Rajshahi.
Shared by Bazlur Rahman, 1977.
Shared By Bazlur Rahman,1977.
I think this was 1974 Inter School Champions. Shared by Bazlur Rahman, 1977.
Abu Sarwar: In this Pic. I see our Head master Mr. Kholilur Rahama Sir, Karim Sir, Hwolader Sir and Athour.
NesarAhmed: আমি এই খেলোয়াদের নাম লিখলাম ডানদিক বসা খাজা রওশন, মনির, মোবারক, হাফিজ, নেসার, চপল, খাজা জিয়াউদিন, হেলাল, উপরে দাড়ানো ডানদিক মোশারফ, মালেক, চুন্নু, ডেলভি, নাজমি, কাদরি (অধিনায়ক)।
This picture means very special to me as it has a little story behind it. Well l played in the year 1977 or maybe 1978 can't exactly recall. I always played as a goal keeper. I played in Nation Youth Hockey
Tournament and played this game as a member of Dhaka Board and the
jacket I am wearing got it in that game as we became "The Champions". Those were the days.
Shared by Bazlur Rahman, 1977.
Year of 1979, With Khalilur Rahman Sir, Mollah Sir, Latif Sir, behind Toffazzal Sir, Mofiz Sir, Mohiuddin Sir.
Shared by Mahbubur Rahman, 1980 Day Shift.
Receiving Trophy from our Headmaster (Mohiyuddin Sir) 1980
Shared by Waquar Adel, 1983.
Picture from my childhood 1980/81.
Shared by Waquar Adel, 1983.
A Hockey tournament at "Armanitola Govt High School" back in 1980-81.
Shared by Waquar Adel, 1983.
Sweet memories 1982-83. Me standing 3rd from the left.
Shared by Waquar Adel, 1983.
Shared by Waquar Adel, 1983.
Alamgir Mohammed Adel.
Shared by Waquar Adel.
A Yearly School Sports Certificate from 1950.
My Father Late Alamgir Mohammed Adel.
Former President Bangladesh Hockey Federation (one & only President from civilian)
Former President Victoria Sporting Club, 1st International Hockey Umpire
1st international Hockey Judge, 1st East Pakistan Hockey Player.
Shared by Waquar Adel, 1983.
Most of the players are from Armanitola Govt High School. My father Former President Bangladesh Hockey Federation "Alamgir Md Adel" standing 5th from the right.
Shared by Waquar Adel, 1983.
A Yearly School Sports Certificate from 1950.
Shared by Mohammad Nooruddin Khokon
Shahidul Haque Shawpon, shared by himself.
Shared by Shahidul Haque Shawpon.
Shared by Shahidul Haque Shawpon.
Shawpon Monico: Our Scout Teacher, Mr. Rashid
S M Hasan: Is it Mahfuz Mukul on right side.
Shared by Shahidul Haque Shawpon.
Shared by Shahidul Haque Shawpon.
Shared by Shahidul Haque Shawpon.
Shared by Shahidul Haque Shawpon.
Shared by Shahidul Haque Shawpon.
Shared by Shahidul Haque Shawpon.
Shared by Shahidul Haque Shawpon.
Shared by Shahidul Haque Shawpon.
Shared by Shahidul Haque Shawpon.
Shared by Shahidul Haque Shawpon.
Shared by Shahidul Haque Shawpon.
Shared by Shahidul Haque Shawpon.
Shared by Shahidul Haque Shawpon.
Shared by Shahidul Haque Shawpon.
Shared by Shahidul Haque Shawpon.
Shared by Shahidul Haque Shawpon.
Shared by Monsur Ahmed, 1982.
Lion syed Mohiuddin, 1980 batch and scouts AGHS.
Shared by Msikhan Khan
Shared by Msikhan Khan (Picture taken 1977/1978)
Shared by Msikhan Khan
Shared by Msikhan Khan
A golden age of Armenitolian scouts...1993 - 1999.
Scouts Challenge - 1st Step with S.P.L Sayed Zaman.
Shared by Sayed Zaman, 1998.
Scouts Challenge - 2nd Step with S.P.L Sayed Zaman.
Shared by Sayed Zaman, 1998.
Scouts Challenge - 3rd Step with S.P.L Sayed Zaman (position 1st).
Shared by Sayed Zaman.
Parade Leader - A.P.L Mir Muztaba Hasan Neyaz.
Shared by Sayed Zaman.
All scouts with A.P.L Mir Muztaba Hasan Neyaz.
Shared by Sayed Zaman.
All Cub's with SPL Raihan.
Shared by Sayed Zaman.
Parade Leader - S.P.L Sayed Zaman.
Shared by Sayed Zaman.
All cub's with S.P.L Sayed Zaman.
Shared by Sayed Zaman.
Nur Hossain Khokon: Rafique, Akbar, Ashraf, Al Imam, Shahidullah, Asadujjaman, Rasel, Jaman Vai.... Ami naiii......
Shared by Ostad Fazlu
Shared by Ostad Fazlu
Md. Nasir Uddin Sir
Md. Nasir Uddin Sir
Md. Nasir Uddin Sir
Farewell of legendary Md. Nasir Uddin Sir, 29th August, 2000.
Image taken and shared by Sahebul Karim.
Farewell of legendary Md. Nasir Uddin Sir, 29th August, 2000.
Our Class captain Answer Uddin Ahmed.
Image taken and shared by Sahebul Karim.
Md. Nasir Uddin Sir.
Image taken and shared by Sahebul Karim.
Farewell of legendary Md. Nasir Uddin Sir, 29th August, 2000.
Image taken and shared by Sahebul Karim.
স্কুলের বেতন আদায়ের রসিদ - ১৯৯৫ সন।
ছবিটি শেয়ার করেছেন Nesar Ahmed
স্কুলের বেতন আদায়ের রসিদ - ১৯৯৫ সন।
ছবিটি শেয়ার করেছেন Nesar Ahmed
স্কুলের বেতন আদায়ের রসিদ - ২০১৫ সন।
ছবিটি শেয়ার করেছেন Ashraful Islam Sajib
প্রগতি পত্র, ছবিটি শেয়ার করেছেন Mohammad Asif
প্রগতি পত্র ১৯৯৩ সন, ছবিটি শেয়ার করেছেন Mohammad Asif
প্রগতি পত্র ১৯৯৩ সন, ছবিটি শেয়ার করেছেন Mohammad Asif
প্রগতি পত্র ২০০০ সন, ছবিটি শেয়ার করেছেন Mohammad Asif
Shared by Abhirup Mridha
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